After a weekend at the relatives we join our Mississippi friends, Jerry and Wanda of EggRollings, at Lost Dutchman State Park. This week is filled with visiting with Apache Junction friends, Mesa friends, and North Carolina friends! Lots of talk and lots of food!

John and BJ of Just Finding Our Way provide a wonderful pot roast that we will never forget!
The following Monday we arrive at Dome Rock BLM to join a crowd of fiberglass friends who are there for the Quartzsite Big Tent Show. It's another week of reunions, visiting, shopping. Every day is filled with activities.....visiting Tyson Wells booths, hiking, soaking up the sun. There are many Oliver trailers there, 13 someone told me, including friends from Florida and Mississippi. We are kind of proud as the Oliver is made in our home state of Tennessee.
Terri and Jona, former winners of the Q rally contest, invite us to play ladderball. Who knows...maybe we will compete!
Rest time!
After the big show shuts down, we move over to California. There's an Escapee park, Jojoba Hills, that is supposed to be beautiful.
But first we must drive over a mountain photos available as all my energy is expended in the navigation! And I won't do it again!
But we are glad to make the trip as the landscape changes dramatically on the other side of the mountains. Lots of green, beautiful trees, round rocks!
The park does not disappoint! Absolutely gorgeous! But we, unfortunately do not get a chance to enjoy it. Our big blue Tundra fails us the first day there when it refuses to start. Eventually Good Sam`s send a big truck to carry it to Temecula Toyota. We are stranded back at the campground but wonderful angels arrive and offer to take us to town the next day. Toyota repairs our baby and we are so ready to get out of the very congested city!
Boondocking at Jojoba Hills
Sylvester not cooperating for a photo!
Cell phone shot of the moon eclipse....
We are back in the desert boonies where I hope to publish this update. Boondocking in a BLM area off I-10.
Next week is the big fiberglass rally at Dome Rock. Looking forward to seeing more old friends!